Fitness syllabus

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More than healthy

Qigong & tai chi will make you healthy providing you practice the exercises little and often. Being healthy is good, but being fit is better.


Fitness is different to health. Being fit entails a wider range of concerns e.g. increased flexibility, suppleness, strength, cardiovascular health/fitness, agility...
These considerations are addressed at length in the fitness syllabus.

3 areas

There are 3 areas of fitness:

  1. Cardio

  2. Strength

  3. Flexibility

In order to exercise the body properly, you need to gain aptitude in all 3 areas. Many people can lift heavy weights but they are not flexible/breathing hard after mild cardio

Qigong & tai chi students

Qigong & tai chi students seeking a challenge can ask to undertake the fitness syllabus once they have completed their qigong ticksheet.

Fitness syllabus

Psoas exercises
Constructive rest
Leg stretches (set 1)
Leg stretches (set 2)
Psoas exercises
Core strength exercises (set 1)
Core strength exercises
(set 2)
Core strength exercises
(set 3)
Taoist Yoga
(set 1)
Taoist Yoga (set 2)
Taoist Yoga (set 3)
Cardio work (set 1)
Cardio work (set 2)


The people who attend the classes are all friendly, respectful and genuinely interested in what we are learning which makes attending the classes really enjoyable.


school database

Page created 2 August 1995
Last updated 31 October 2023