Taijiquan syllabus

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Introductory grade

The beginners grade is about reaching a basic level of health. It is not a martial grade. Students wear a white T-shirt and explore preliminary concerns.
The onus is upon starting to get fit, stronger, more supple, better coordinated and somewhat more relaxed. Good alignment, ergonomics and elementary physics are all introduced.
Students learn how to focus and work with one another in a constructive manner. It should take the average student about 6-12 months to complete the beginners syllabus.

Where do you start?

Beginners practice:

  1. Long Yang form (section 1)

  2. 4 directions with a partner

  3. Ba duan jin (8 exercises)

  4. Central equilibrium – maintain the centre

  5. Eyes-closed walking

  6. Form posture qigong

  7. Full circle qigong

  8. Monkey paws

  9. Moving qigong (8 exercises)

  10. Palm at 3 distances

  11. Peripheral vision - mugger scenario

  12. Posture testing

  13. Psoas exercises

  14. Pushing legs

  15. Reeling silk exercises (5 exercises)

  16. Single pushing hands

  17. Standing post

  18. Standing qigong/3 circle qigong

  19. Stepping

  20. Yielding basic skills

  21. Yielding exercise

These topics provide the adequate, necessary foundation for later practice.

Awaken your brain

According to the book The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal, the human brain is quite literally akin to a muscle.
The more frequently and consistently your brain works on a given area of skill, the greater its capacity to perform the skill with ease.

The student has nothing to offer but an absolute willingness to follow the teacher's instructions and direction without question or comments or personal improvisation.

(Dave Lowry)

Train as much as you can

Taijiquan beginners often have high expectations and a low commitment to practice. Often the student struggles to meet their own ambitions.
To break this problem, train frequently. Nothing beats practice. Time committed to practice during your early stages of development will pay dividends in the long run.


Since an exponent is not adept with taijiquan, they need to do a lot of qigong. It will provide the necessary fitness benefits by serving as a stopgap pending higher level taijiquan skill.

Get healthy

The beginners grade is all about improving health and fitness. A student is required to work at notably improving their stamina, flexibility, coordination, cardiovascular fitness and agility.

Motor learning

For many people, their fitness regime does not take into account
'motor learning'. Motor learning is about the process of using the body, rather than simply exercising the body.
Agility, mobility, relaxed spontaneous movement, balance, structure, alignment, biomechanics, efficiency, ambidextrous body use, joint health, coordination, skill, emotional wellbeing or psychological flexibility.
Taijiquan combines exercise with motor learning.

Worth reading

4 levels
Strong mental attitude
The Sword Polisher's Record by Adam Hsu


beginner     intermediate     experienced     competent     skilled     advanced     instructor     expert     mastery

Page created 18 April 1995
Last updated 15 February 2020