Tai chi chuan syllabus (complete) | ||
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Our syllabus
The tai chi syllabus includes qigong,
fitness exercises,
chin na, shuai jiao
and weapons:
Tai chi chuan syllabus (beginner)
White 1
Qigong exercises
- standing qigong/3 circle qigong
- full circle qigong
- form posture qigong
- ba duan jin (8 exercises)
- moving qigong (8 exercises)
Reeling silk exercises
- plate exercise
- 4 directions - forwards & backwards
- 4 directions - to the side
- Opening & closing - to the side
- Cloud hands
Pushing peng (intro)
Standing post
Assignment #1 - Q & A
Assignment #2 - Attitude & etiquette
White 2
Partner work
- 4 directions with a partner
- central equilibrium maintain the centre
- eyes-closed walking
- palm at 3 distances
- peripheral vision - mugger scenario
- posture testing
- yielding exercise
- 90°
- diamond stepping
- leading & following (eyes-closed)
- relative distance (tig)
- avoiding line of force (solo & melee)
- riding the attack
The ball game
Monkey paws
Pushing legs
Single pushing hands
Challenge full circle qigong (30 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge standing qigong (4 postures) (20 minutes x 4 weeks)
Yellow 1
Long Yang form (section 1) (regular)
Ba duan jin #2 - alternate version
Constructive rest
Horse stance
How to escape from a hold
Moving qigong (complete set)
Partner work mistakes
Challenge - form challenge (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - yielding exercise challenge (30 mins x 6 weeks)
Assignment #1 - Q & A
Assignment #2 - Attitude & etiquette
Recommended reading - The Sword Polisher's
Yellow 2
Fear of falling
Floor work
- basics
- back-to-back
a focus mitt
Horse stance qigong
How to punch
Playing the attacker
- commitment
- range & reach
Psoas exercises
Punching rehab
Challenge - horse stance qigong (5 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - qigong and reeling silk in 30 mins (30 mins x 4 weeks)
Assignment #1 - Q & A
Assignment #2 - Attitude & etiquette
Recommended reading - There Are No Secrets
Long Yang form (section 2) (regular)
High circle qigong
How to slip a hold
Knife drills
Loose striking
Yang style bow stance (intro)
Yielding basic skills
Challenge - form
challenge (section 2) (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - knife drilling (30 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - yielding basic skills challenge (30 mins x 6
Assignment #1 - Q & A
Assignment #2 - A & E
Recommended reading - The Essence of Tai Chi Chuan - The Literary
4 directions with a partner (no contact)
70/30 stance
- 3 B's: blocking, blending & balance
- 4 stages
- fence
- X-shape
Leg stretches (2 sets)
Monkey paws (5 hands)
Qigong development
Challenge - qigong development (40 mins x 4 weeks)
Assignment #1 - Cat stepping
Recommended reading - Peak
Long Yang form (section 3) (regular)
Floor work
- kicks
- tackling
Stretches & joint work
Yielding exercise
- take to the ground
Challenge - 3 sets of qigong in 30 mins (30 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - form challenge (section 3) (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Assignment #1 - Martial concepts theory
Recommended reading - Chinese Boxing
Long Yang form (mirrored)
Chair game
Martial concepts & qigong
Square on the inside, round on the outside
Stick drills (3 sets)
Taoist yoga (3 sets)
Challenge - form challenge (mirrored) (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - stick drills (30 mins x 6 weeks)
Recommended reading - The Art of War
Brown 1
Long Yang form (lines
of force version)
Central equilibrium
- fixed feet
Crescent moon
Da lu
Kicking game
- evasive body focus
- sustained & varied kicking
Sword drills
Challenge - da lu (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - lines of force form (regular & mirrored) (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - sword drills (30 mins x 4 weeks)
Recommended reading - The Book of Five Rings
Brown 2
Long Yang form (fingers
as fists)
Being hit
Breath meditation
Combat stance
Core strength exercises (3 sets)
Double pushing hands
Monkey paws (stepping)
Qigong on one leg
San sau
Slam ball challenge
Striking pads
- focus mitt, squashy pad, round pad
Challenge - double pushing hands (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - fingers as fists form (regular & mirrored) (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge san sau (30 mins x 6 weeks)
Recommended reading - The
Way of Chuang Tzu
Tai chi chuan syllabus (intermediate)
Black (1st dan)
2-person cane drill (regular & mirrored)
3-tier wallbag (4 sets)
5 bows
5 bows exercise
Chin na applications (3 sets)
Gravity striking
Loose striking
Immovable elbow
Keeping the pressure on when attacking
Neigong (1-10)
The power/function of 'li'
Pushing peng (partnered)
Pushing peng (striking)
Pushing peng exercise
Ready/guard stance
Speed striking
Yielding exercise
finishing off
Challenge - 2-person cane drill (regular & mirrored) (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - chin na applications #1 (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - chin na applications #2 (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - chin na applications #3 (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Assignment #1 - The Sword Polisher's Record
Assignment #2 - There Are No Secrets
Assignment #3 - The Essence of Tai Chi Chuan - The Literary Tradition
Assignment #4 - The Art of War
Assignment #5 - The Book of Five Rings
Black (2nd dan)
Sabre form (regular & mirrored)
Long Yang form (5
Biomechanical advantage
Floor work
- chin na
Meditation on body sensations
Neigong (extras)
Newtons Laws of Motion
Qigong revision
Shuai jiao applications (2 sets)
Strategic stepping
Tactics used by other arts
Using 3-D to gain optimal power
Challenge - 5 bows form (regular & mirrored) (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - floor work endurance (10 mins)
Challenge - sabre form (regular & mirrored) (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - shuai jiao applications #1 (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - shuai jiao applications #2 (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Assignment #1 - The Way of Chuang Tzu
#2 - Moving Zen
Assignment #3 - The New Lao Tzu
Assignment #4 - Zen in the Art of Archery
Assignment #5 - 5 Elements of Effective Thinking
Black (3rd dan)
Walking stick form (regular & mirrored)
Long Yang form (moving
from centre version)
5 elements
Countering punches, kicks & grapples
Countering/pushing peng
Cultivating peng
Everybody falls
Floor work
- control
- expedience
Form applications (section
Freeform triangle
Leverage principles (misplacing the bones)
Neigong (11-20)
San sau (peng)
Small stick drills
Small stick flexibility drills
Sustaining peng throughout your counter
Yielding/chin na
Challenge - chin na relay (5 minutes)
Challenge - moving from centre form (regular & mirrored) (60 mins x 4
Challenge - san sau (peng) (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - section 1 form
applications (120 mins x 24 weeks)
Challenge - small stick drills (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - walking stick form (regular &
mirrored) (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - yielding/chin na endurance (10 mins)
Assignment #1 -
36 Strategies
Assignment #2 - Commentaries on Living volume 2
Assignment #3 - Peak
Assignment #4
Tao of Being
Assignment #5
- The Little Zen Companion
Black (4th dan)
Jian form (regular & mirrored)
Long Yang form (folding
4 ounces exercise
5 animals
5 centres
6 balanced pairs
Countering a knife
Cultivating sung
Dying ground
Fa li
Floor work
- multiple opponents
- tactics
- dying ground
Form applications (section 2)
Holding down the pillow
Meditation on emotions
Moving with kwa
Neigong (21-30)
Punching from the centre
Pushing hands development
Stick/jian drills
Yielding/shuai jiao
Challenge - folding form (regular & mirrored) (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - jian form (regular & mirrored) (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - section 2 form applications (120 mins x 24 weeks)
Challenge - shuai jiao relay (5 minutes)
Challenge - yielding/shuai jiao endurance (10 mins)
Assignment #1 -
Tai Chi Theory & Martial Power
Assignment #2 -
Back to Beginnings
Assignment #3 -
Chuang Tzu in a Nutshell
Assignment #4 - The Art of War (Cleary/Shambhala)
Assignment #5 - Tao Te Ching (various translations)
Tai chi chuan syllabus (experienced)
Black (5th dan)
Long Yang form (jing
5 elements striking (part 1)
13 methods
Chin na against a knife
Crude fa jing
First hand/second hand
Form applications (section 3)
Freeform grappling
Heavy bag
Improvised weaponry/knife
yielding/chin na
yielding/shuai jiao
Mutual arising
Neigong (31-40)
Obvious power (ming
Reverse breathing
San da stage 1: freeform application
San sau (jing)
Shuai jiao against a knife
Sparing yourself
Spiral body
Yielding/chin na against a knife
Challenge - improvised weaponry (5 minutes)
Challenge - san sau (jing) (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - section
3 form applications (120 mins x 24 weeks)
Challenge - yielding/countering endurance (10 mins)
Assignment #1 -
The Okinawa Program
Assignment #2 - How to Win Friends and Influence People
Assignment #3 - Rapt
Assignment #4 - Free Yourself From Back Pain
Assignment #5 -
Sword & Brush
Black (6th dan)
Long Yang form (13
methods version)
2-person form (partnered) (regular & mirrored)
5 challenges
5 elements stepping
5 elements striking (part 2)
8 powers striking
Balance, rhythm, timing
Becoming the centre
Being in the back
Cavity press
Chin na in the Long Yang form (section 1)
Fa jing
Long & short jing
Neigong (41-50)
Projections (section 1)
Reeling silk
San da stage 2: freeform combat
San sau against a knife
San sau (combat)
Shuai jiao in the Long Yang form (section 1)
Challenge - 5 challenges
Challenge - 13 methods form (regular & mirrored) (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - projections (section 1) (30 mins x 12 weeks)
Challenge - san sau (combat) (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Challenge - sections 1, 2 & 3 form applications (120 mins x 48 weeks)
Assignment #1 -
The Book of Tea
Assignment #2 - The Inner Way or The Inner Warrior
Assignment #3 - The Pavement Arena
Assignment #4 - Steal My Art
Assignment #5 - The Tai Chi Journey
Black (7th dan)
Long Yang form (reeling
silk version)
5 elements striking (part 3)
Chin na in the Long Yang form (section 2)
Cold jing
Combining chin na, shuai jiao & jing
Dividing the muscle
Entry methods
Hidden power (an jing)
Jing/leverage principles (misplacing the bones)
Large rhythm, small rhythm
Latent movements
Projections (section 2)
San sau (variations)
Sealing the breath
Shih (martial advantage)
Shuai jiao: elbow & bump
Shuai jiao: footwork
Shuai jiao in the Long Yang form (section
Shuai jiao: mutual arising
Shuai jiao: throws
Shuai jiao: use of legs
The way of the bear
The way of the bird
The way of the monkey
The way of the snake
The way of the tiger
Wu nien
Challenge - 10 minute freeform application
endurance challenge
Challenge - knife attackers (5 minutes)
Challenge - non-cooperative relay (5 mins)
Challenge - projections (section 2) (30 mins x 12 weeks)
Challenge - reeling silk form (regular & mirrored) (60 mins x 4 weeks)
Assignment - interpret a koan
Assignment #1 - Commentaries on Living volume 2
Assignment #2 -
Keep it Simple
Assignment #3 -
The Power of
Internal Martial Arts
Assignment #4 - The Road Less Travelled
Assignment #5 - Tai Chi Secrets of the Ancient Masters
Black (8th dan)
Biomechanics (chin na)
Biomechanics (combat)
Biomechanics (drills)
Biomechanics (Long Yang form - all moves)
Biomechanics (qigong)
Biomechanics (shuai jiao)
Biomechanics (weapons)
Chin na in the Long Yang form (section 3)
Dying ground (expert)
Fa jing (variations)
Flowing chin na applications (misplacing
the bones)
Flowing shuai jiao applications
Form in self defence
Projections (section 3)
Shuai jiao in the Long Yang form (section 3)
Challenge - mass attack (5 minutes)
Challenge - projections (section 3) (30 mins x 12 weeks)
Assignment - write a poem
Assignment #1 - The Book of Tea
Assignment #2 - The Inner Way or The Inner Warrior
Assignment #3 - The Pavement Arena
Assignment #4 - Steal My Art
Assignment #5 - The Tai Chi Journey
Tai chi chuan syllabus (advanced)
Red 1/Black (9th dan)
Adapt, change & improvise
Bone marrow
Dim-mak (dim-su/incapacitation)
Eastern philosophy
Energy drainage
Form application
Form application (jian)
Form application
Form application (sabre)
Form application (walking stick)
Kinaesthetic awareness
Kinetic pathway
Martial principles & practice
Open & close
Overwhelming attacks
Power generation
Refined power (hua jing)
Small circle
Spiritual inquiry
Striking methods
Syllabus design
Tai chi principles
Teaching methods
Tortoise breathing
Unite upper & lower
Whole-body movement
Yin body
Red 2/Black (10th dan)
2-person cane drill dismantled
Chin na applications dismantled
Jian form dismantled
Knife drills dismantled
Long Yang form dismantled
Neigong dismantled
Partner work dismantled
Pushing hands (all variations) dismantled
Qigong dismantled
Sabre form dismantled
San sau dismantled
Shuai jiao applications dismantled
Small stick drills dismantled
Stick drills dismantled
Sword drills dismantled
Walking stick form dismantled
Assignment - masterwork/masterpiece
Greyed out items meet the required
standard of skill.
Page created
18 April 1995
Last updated
1 November 2023